PLAY-WEB Project

There is evidence that the Internet is already used in early youth: it has to be supported, finding every kind of strategy in order to prevent a dangerous use of the web.School and families are the main front line agencies. It is necessary to pick out strategies that will help teachers to move students towards a more conscious use of the web. This can be done with an even more appropriate introduction of Web in the didactic field.

The purpose of the PLAY WEB project is to create a European network of  middle schools (10-14 years old) able to produce:

*A range of analysis tools of the socio-educational reality of the attending students. It concerns: the access type of the Internet and its most common uses; The type of control practiced both at school and in the family context; representations and perspectives;

 * Common strategies for an educational and non-educational use of the Internet at school;

 * Practices that have to be experienced at first in the specific partnership contexts and spread in the other schools.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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